
Nokia:科技始終來自於人性; 拜耳:如果文明不能使我們更相愛,那科技便失去意義!


#1 2008-12-04 22:22:52

註冊日期: 2008-10-07
文章數: 1562
目前積分 :   20 

[OpenWrt] opkg 套件管理

OpenWrt裡提到opkg. 以下是opkg說明

opkg version 0.1.5 usage: opkg [options...] sub-command [arguments...] where sub-command is one of: Package Manipulation: update Update list of available packages upgrade Upgrade all installed packages to latest version install Download and install (and dependencies) install Install package configure [] Configure unpacked packages remove Remove package flag ... Flag package(s) =hold|noprune|user|ok|installed|unpacked (one per invocation) Informational Commands: list List available packages and descriptions list_installed List all and only the installed packages and description files List all files belonging to search Search for a package providing info [pkg|regexp] Display all info for status [pkg|regexp] Display all status for download Download to current directory. compare_versions compare versions using <= < > >= = << >> print_architecture prints the architecture. print_installation_architecture whatdepends [-A] [pkgname|pat]+ whatdependsrec [-A] [pkgname|pat]+ whatprovides [-A] [pkgname|pat]+ whatconflicts [-A] [pkgname|pat]+ whatreplaces [-A] [pkgname|pat]+ prints the installation architecture. Options: -A Query all packages with whatdepends, whatprovides, whatreplaces, whatconflicts -V Set verbosity level to . If no value is --verbosity provided increase verbosity by one. Verbosity levels: 0 errors only 1 normal messages (default) 2 informative messages 3 debug output -f Use as the opkg configuration file -conf Default configuration file location is /etc/opkg.conf -d Use as the the root directory for -dest package installation, removal, upgrading. should be a defined dest name from the configuration file, (but can also be a directory name in a pinch). -o Use as the root directory for -offline offline installation of packages. Force Options (use when opkg is too smart for its own good): -force-depends Make dependency checks warnings instead of errors Install/remove package in spite of failed dependences -force-defaults Use default options for questions asked by opkg. (no prompts). Note that this will not prevent package installation scripts from prompting. -force-reinstall Allow opkg to reinstall a package. -force-overwrite Allow opkg to overwrite files from another package during an install. -force-downgrade Allow opkg to downgrade packages. -force_space Install even if there does not seem to be enough space. -noaction No action -- test only -nodeps Do not follow dependences -force-removal-of-dependent-packages -recursive Allow opkg to remove package and all that depend on it. -autoremove Allow opkg to remove packages that where installed automatically to satisfy dependencies. -test No action -- test only -t Specify tmp-dir. --tmp-dir Specify tmp-dir. regexp could be something like 'pkgname*' '*file*' or similar eg: opkg info 'libstd*' or opkg search '*libop*' or opkg remove 'libncur*'

尚未比較與ipkg的差異, 不知是否會取代ipkg?



#2 2009-03-13 13:09:40

註冊日期: 2008-03-31
文章數: 18
目前積分 :   

Re: [OpenWrt] opkg 套件管理




#3 2009-10-19 22:12:17

註冊日期: 2008-10-07
文章數: 1562
目前積分 :   20 

Re: [OpenWrt] opkg 套件管理

ipkg vs. opkg
有ipkg與opkg的對比說明, 目前還沒找到ipkg.conf或opkg.conf的設定說明.



#4 2011-08-12 11:18:54

註冊日期: 2008-10-07
文章數: 1562
目前積分 :   20 

Re: [OpenWrt] opkg 套件管理

為了不與Optware的ipkg-opt產生衝突混淆, 編譯Opkg套件管理程式.

編譯平台: Mageia x86_64
交叉編譯器: wl500g Toolchain (gcc 4.4.6 uClibc 0.9.32) K26 x86_64 build 2011.07.08

1. 下載, 解壓縮, 說明

$ aria2c http://opkg.googlecode.com/files/opkg-0.1.8.tar.gz $ tar -xzvf opkg-0.1.8.tar.gz $ cd opkg-0.1.8/ $ ./configure --help

2. 編譯

$ export PATH=/opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-uclibc/bin:$PATH $ export CC=mipsel-uclibc-gcc $ export CPP=mipsel-uclibc-cpp $ ./configure --disable-curl --disable-gpg --host=mipsel-linux --prefix=/opt --with-opkglibdir=/opt/lib ... $ make

3. 結果

$ file src/.libs/opkg-cl src/.libs/opkg-cl: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS32 version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), with unknown capability 0xf41 = 0x756e6700, with unknown capability 0x70100 = 0x1040000, stripped

4. 測試(Tomato PL K26@WL-500W)

# opkg-cl opkg-cl: unknown sub-command (null) opkg must have one sub-command argument usage: opkg [options...] sub-command [arguments...] where sub-command is one of: Package Manipulation: update Update list of available packages upgrade Upgrade installed packages install Install package(s) configure Configure unpacked package(s) remove Remove package(s) flag Flag package(s) =hold|noprune|user|ok|installed|unpacked (one per invocation) ...

--with-ipkgetcdir=DIR 無效, configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-ipkgetcdir




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