#12 2012-07-27 06:43:13
Re: 艾客優品(AKiTiO) 迷你筋斗雲 MyCloud Mini 測試
http://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv6 … provideov3
跟Pogoplug v3 一樣的soc (SOC:NAS7820 SoC PLX 7820 700MHz, 128MB RAM ,128MB Nand Flash +SD slot )
AKitio 價格貴很多...
#13 2012-07-27 12:32:03
Re: 艾客優品(AKiTiO) 迷你筋斗雲 MyCloud Mini 測試
以PLX NAS7821來說, 能找到的核心原始碼是v2.6.31.14. 但ALARM目前使用devtmpfs, 參考維基百科Device file, v2.6.32才支援. 若不能搞定核心原始碼, 只能使用舊版rootfs. 如果仍使用Marvell 88F6281, 則無此限制.
價格這部分, 是消費者願打願挨的問題. 產品網頁寫到得獎連連, 卻不依GPL釋出原始碼. 吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮, 感覺蠻諷刺的. 這是網通廠商的通病, 目前無解.
Pogoplug V3使用NAS7820, Series 4又回到Marvell. 為何要換? 除了廠商心中之秤外, 我想, 依我目前能力, 西瓜偎大邊, 免的自找麻煩.
#14 2012-09-14 22:07:18
Re: 艾客優品(AKiTiO) 迷你筋斗雲 MyCloud Mini 測試
After spending many hours to study the 128M limitation of running alarm(archilinux arm) directly from SATA, I success to fully use 256MB DDR in alarm by modifying the stage1 and u-boot of NAS-DC01 GPL source.
Here are stage1 and u-boot you could try, and I will release the modified source code some days after when it gets clean.

#15 2012-09-29 14:07:35
Re: 艾客優品(AKiTiO) 迷你筋斗雲 MyCloud Mini 測試
tingyc 提到:
After spending many hours to study the 128M limitation of running alarm(archilinux arm) directly from SATA, I success to fully use 256MB DDR in alarm by modifying the stage1 and u-boot of NAS-DC01 GPL source.
Here are stage1 and u-boot you could try, and I will release the modified source code some days after when it gets clean.
If this works, can you share the source code for it?
It would be nice to add network PHY recognition for tftp-boot and other usefull features in it.
Reg: Harri
Actually the network seems to work already. Good!! Original uboot does not, but this works.
I'll try to install Debian next.
最後修改: tilator (2012-09-29 14:56:35)
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