====== 參考 ====== - [[http://wl500g.dyndns.org/sdram.html|BCM3302 Memory Controller Configuration]] - [[http://oleg.wl500g.info/wl500gp_ram.html|Oleg Upgrading WL-500g Premium, WL-500W and WL-700gE RAM to 128 MB]] - [[http://begunje.dyndns.org/articles/wl500gx-ram-upgrade/|64MB RAM upgrade for Asus Wl-500g Deluxe wireless router]] - [[http://digiland.tw/viewtopic.php?id=180|加大WL-500GP的記憶體]] - [[http://digiland.tw/viewtopic.php?id=316|加大WL-500GP的記憶體]] - [[http://digiland.tw/viewtopic.php?id=1005|請問 DD-WRT 要抓到 128MB 的參數]] ====== 記憶體模組 ====== * 首選海力士(Hynix), 避免使用英飛凌(Infineon).最不推薦Hynix, 同樣也避免使用Infineon.(謝謝Keiichi0215兄指正) ===== 創見 ===== * PC133 SDRAM, 16Mx16 - TS16MSS64V6G - TS32MSS64V6G - TS32MLS64V6G * DDR 266, 32Mx16 - TS32MLD64V6M - TS64MSD64V6M * DDR 333, 32Mx16 - TS32MLD64V3M - TS32MSD64V3M - TS64MSD64V3M * DDR 400, 32Mx16 - TS32MLD64V4M - TS32MSD64V4M - TS64MSD64V4M ====== 測試 ====== # cd /tmp # wget http://oleg.wl500g.info/bin/memtest # chmod +x memtest # ./memtest 128M memtest v. 2.93.1 (C) 2000 Charles Cazabon Original v.1 (C) 1999 Simon Kirby Current limits: RLIMIT_RSS 0x7fffffff RLIMIT_VMEM 0x7fffffff Raising limits... Unable to malloc 134217728 bytes. Unable to malloc 134086656 bytes. ... Unable to malloc 124256256 bytes. Unable to malloc 124125184 bytes. Allocated 123994112 bytes...trying mlock...failed: insufficient resources. Allocated 123858944 bytes...trying mlock...failed: insufficient resources. ... Allocated 67223552 bytes...trying mlock...failed: insufficient resources. Allocated 67088384 bytes...trying mlock...success. Starting tests... Testing 67084288 bytes at 0x2ab8c000 (4088 bytes lost to page alignment). Run 1: Test 1: Stuck Address: Testing...Passed. Test 2: Random value: Setting...Testing...Passed. Test 3: XOR comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed. Test 4: SUB comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed. Test 5: MUL comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed. Test 6: DIV comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed. Test 7: OR comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed. Test 8: AND comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed. Test 9: Sequential Increment: Setting...Testing...Passed. Test 10: Solid Bits: Testing...Passed. Test 11: Block Sequential: Testing...Passed. Test 12: Checkerboard: Testing...Passed. Test 13: Bit Spread: Testing...Passed. Test 14: Bit Flip: Testing...Passed. Test 15: Walking Ones: Testing...Passed. Test 16: Walking Zeroes: Testing...Passed. Run 1 completed in 3341 seconds (0 tests showed errors). ... Ctrl+C 中斷執行 Received signal 2 (Interrupt) munlock'ed memory. 4 runs completed. 0 errors detected. Total runtime: 13382 seconds. Exiting...